Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Two days in.


Well, when I first looked at the menu plan - I thought I am not gonna like a lot of this but so far, I'm impressed.  I made a little change with the pizza - it became tomato paste based, spinach and two slices of Lite Jalzberg cheese but still with the same calorie value. YUM. 

Already a hiccup occured in the training schedule.  I had planned to do Balance at 10.30am but my son had to attend a last minute scheduled OT appointment around the same time, but never fear - I got to a PUMP class at 6.30 tonight.

I have been cooking up a storm early this morning, preparing and freezing dinners for Wednesday and Friday because I will be working the next three days and I know if I am not prepared all will fall apart. My next challenge is to get up early (5.30AM AGGH) tomorrow to get to an RPM class.

I just finished watching Michelle's Live video (not live, though).  It was great!  I think she is full of knowledge and so motovating, so thanks Mish. 

Good luck to all my Round 3 team mates out there......till next time,


  1. Hi Nik. I am loving making small changes too. Some dishes I go exactly as she has them and some I alter to suit my families preference. All within calories of course. Well done on the preparations and freezing. It makes such a difference and has been a god-send here already.

    Hope you continue having a brilliant week. Will pop in and say hi to see how you went next week. :)

  2. hey Nik, just a quick pop in to say I hope you are doing well.
